Citations in SciSummary
SciSummary offers comprehensive citation features to help users generate reference lists and verify AI-generated content with accurate citations back to the original source.
1. Generating Citations for References
SciSummary supports the automatic generation of citations in multiple widely used citation styles. Users can select one or multiple documents and instantly generate a formatted reference list.
- Supports citation formats: APA, Chicago, MLA, and Harvard. Need more formats? Contact us to request the addition of any other format!
- Select multiple documents and generate a comprehensive reference list
- Export references for easy integration into academic papers and reports
- Customize citation styles based on journal or institutional requirements

2. Verifying AI-Generated Content with Citations
SciSummary ensures transparency by including citations in all AI-generated content, making it easy to verify where the information was sourced from within the original document.
- Per Paragraph Citations: Each paragraph of a summary includes citations pointing to the corresponding sections in the original paper.
- Chat Responses: Every chat answer provides inline citations back to the document source.
- Multi-Document Summaries: Cross-references across multiple papers maintain citation integrity for each source.
- Cite Specific Text: Users can select text within a summary and click "Cite this" to view the original location of the extracted content.

To learn more about citation features, visit the SciSummary Documentation or contact our support team for assistance.